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Last Updated: Friday, 9 July, 2004, 12:30 GMT 13:30 UK
Helsinki 1952
Zatopek dominated the distance events
Did you know?
Natural right-hander Karoly Takacs won shootiing gold with his left hand
Russian athletes returned to Olympic action, in Helsinki, for the first time since 1912, but now they were representing a communist Soviet Union.

They and other Eastern Bloc countries refused to join the capitalist nations in the Olympic village. Instead they were housed in student accommodation.

The Games turned into a communist-capitalist battle throughout.

Czech runner Emil Zatopek was the track and field hero with his domination of the men's long distance events.

Nicknamed the 'Czech Express', the army officer won golds in the 5,000m, 10,000m and marathon.

Fanny Blankers-Koen's international career came to an emotional end. She struck a hurdle and fell in the 80m hurdles final and left the track in tears, never to compete again.

Gymnastics was dominated by the Soviets, and Maria Gorokhovskaya's haul of two golds and five silvers set a record as the most medals won at one Games by a women in any sport.

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